I love Substack – the growth has been phenomenal and the feedback likewise. It’s where a whole lot of health professionals and educators are hanging out instead of X and other platforms that have become pretty scummy. No ads, see what you’ve asked to see without nuisance algorithms getting in the way, lots of great writers and opportunity to bond with them. So if you haven’t already signup for a free subscription, please do so.
The one problem with Substack is that it’s challenging if not impossible to build a real community of colleagues who can easily talk with each other, hence this web site. I have a monster amount of resources I want to put up here, and there’s already a professional discussion forum (build it and they will come, someone said) and a planned series of live, interactive webinars which we’ll be recording and then discussing via the forum. Of course it’s a lot of work, and therefore I’m asking for payment for it, but in return the value will be out of all proportion. And you can try it for $1. Can’t be fairer than that.
Anyway, decide if you’d like to join for free on Substack (HERE) or if you’d like to spend a dollar and help support what I hope will be an incredible resource for likeminded colleagues. You can check that out HERE.